Galgotias College Alumni Association

Dear Galgotians,

As proud graduates of Galgotias Educational Institutions (GEI), you hold a special place in the history and future of our institution. It is with great excitement that I write to invite you to join the newly established Alumni Association of GEI comprises of Galgotias college of Engineering and technology (GCET), Galgotias Institute of Management and Technology (GIMT) and Galgotias College of Pharmacy (GCOP).

Our goal in creating the Alumni Association is to foster a vibrant community where alumni can connect, grow, and contribute to the ongoing success of our alma mater. By joining the association, you will have the opportunity to engage with fellow alumni, share your experiences, and support the next generation of Galgotias Educational Institutions graduates.

Here are some of the key benefits and opportunities that the Alumni Association will offer:

  • Connect with fellow alumni from diverse fields and industries. The association will host events, workshops, and seminars designed to facilitate networking and career development.
  • Provide invaluable guidance to current students and recent graduates by delivering expert talk and participating in mentorship programs. Your experiences and insights can make a significant impact on their journeys.
  • Attend special events and Alumni meet to celebrate our shared heritage and These occasions provide an excellent opportunity to reconnect with old friends and forge new connections.
  • Stay tuned on the latest news, developments, and achievements of your Alma mater. As active members of the Alumni Association, you will have a voice in shaping the future direction of our institution.

Joining the Alumni Association is simple. Please visit to register and learn more about our upcoming initiatives and events.

Membership is open to all graduates of Galgotias college of Engineering and technology (GCET), Galgotias Institute of Management and Technology (GIMT) and Galgotias College of Pharmacy (GCOP) and we encourage you to spread the word among your fellow alumni.

Your participation and support are crucial to the success of this initiative. Together, we can create a thriving alumni community that not only enhances our personal and professional lives but also strengthens the legacy of Galgotias Educational Institutions.

We look forward to welcoming you to the Alumni Association and embarking on this exciting journey together. If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Thank you for your continued support and dedication to Galgotias Educational Institutions.