The Central Library of Galgotias College of Engineering and Technology is the heart of the institute providing direct academic and research supports to all faculty and Students.
The Central Library is an automated library in terms of records engineering & technology and management of all its different sections, search and discovery, information retrieval and service delivery. The whole library operations run on KOHA open source library management software.
The library has initiated the development of the “Institutional Digital Repository” based on DSpace open source platform.
Library has a very good collection of print as well as electronic resources. It has developed an excellent collection of books, Periodicals, Magazines in Science, Engineering and Technology, Humanities & Management. It has around 72855 volumes with 8845 titles of book and all books have been bar-coded. Library has subscribes online (IEEE, IESTC-DELNET) and printed (139) National and International journals and magazines of Engineering & Technology, Humanities and Management.
The services and operations in the Central Library is fully Air conditioned and computerized. Keeping the library on modern techniques, the reading materials has been classified with Dewey Decimal Classification and catalogued with Anglo- American Cataloguing Rules-II. For smooth functioning of the library it has been divided into different sections and readers have been allowed open access to the library
GEIs libraries are active member of Developing Library Network (DELNET) and National Digital Library of India.
The library is managed by highly qualified, trained and experienced professionals.