Message from HoD

Dr. Rajesh Tripathi

Prof. & HoD Department of Applied Sciences & Humanities, Galgotias College of Engineering and Technology.

The department of Applied Sciences and Humanities plays an important role in the core curriculum of the Institution. It oversees the teaching of the subjects Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Environmental Science and Professional Communication to all the courses of the Institution. The highly qualified faculty and staff members enthusiastically work together to prepare a new generation equipped with strong quantitative and analytical skills to meet the competitive demands of the current job market. As our department is majorly associated with first year, therefore special attention is given to familiarize the students with college environment and inculcate ethical learning practices in them. The department concentrates on the welfare of both the students and the faculty members. This is achieved by organizing seminars, special lectures and induction programs for students and FDPs for faculty members. In addition to all the work, faculties also devote their time for research work in collaboration with the various research institutes.