
S. No. Name Qualification Area of Specialization Designation Nature of Association
1 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Singh Ph.D Distributed Database Prof. & Head Regular
2 Dr. Javed Miya Ph.D CSE (Image Processing) Professor Regular
3 Dr. Sunil Kumar Bharti Ph.D Computational Neuro Science, Image Processing Professor Regular
4 Dr. Veena Mittal Ph.D Data Stream Mining, Sentiment Analysis & NLP, Machine Learning & Deep Learning Professor Regular
5 Dr. Meenakshi Yadav Ph.D Wireless sensor networks, Artificial Intelligence , agriculture automation Assoc. Prof. Regular
6 Dr. Pooja PhD Artificial Intelligence Asst. Prof. Regular
7 Mr. Ajay Singh M.Tech Machine Learning & IoT Asst. Prof. Regular
8 Mr. Akshay Tiwari M.Tech Image Processing & Computer Vision Asst. Prof. Regular
9 Mr. Amit Seth M.tech Data Science , Machine Learning Asst. Prof. Regular
10 Mr. Kiran Kumar M.Tech Cloud Security Asst. Prof. Regular
11 Mr. Pankaj Garg M.Tech Blockchain Asst. Prof. Regular
12 Mr. Rahul Singh M.Tech Artificial Intelligence Asst. Prof. Regular
13 Mr. Sunil Kumar Yadav M.Tech Image Processing Asst. Prof. Regular
14 Mr. Suresh Kumar M.Tech Machine Learning Asst. Prof. Regular
15 Mr. Vineet Kumar Chauhan MS Information Security Asst. Prof. Regular
16 Mr. Vivek Agrawal M.Tech Data mining Asst. Prof. Regular
17 Ms. Anam Khan M.Tech Machine Learning Asst. Prof. Regular
18 Ms. Archana Das M.Tech Image Processing in Computer Vision Asst. Prof. Regular
19 Ms. Rashi M.Tech Machine Learning Asst. Prof. Regular
20 Ms. Raunak Sulekh M.Tech Data Mining Asst. Prof. Regular
21 Ms. Sakshi Malhotra M.Tech Data Science Asst. Prof. Regular
22 Ms. Shanu Verma M.Tech Machine Learning Asst. Prof. Regular