
Adequate & well equipped laboratories of IT Department

  • The department maintains a sufficient number of laboratories in accordance with the student's strength and the number of practical courses outlined in the university syllabus scheme (AKTU, Lucknow).
  • These laboratories are equipped comprehensively with hardware kits, software tools and necessary consumables.
  • The facilities in these labs cater to both fundamental and advanced level requirements of the courses.
  • The laboratories serve as spaces for students and faculty members of the Information Technology department to conduct practical experiments and engage in Research and Development (R&D) activities.
  • Each lab is staffed with a dedicated member responsible for its maintenance and supervision.
  • Adequate budget planning ensures that funds are allocated and spent appropriately for the repair of faulty equipment, procurement of consumables and acquisition of lab equipment, hardware kits and software tools.

Lab Staff

S.No. Name of the Lab Staff  Designation Qualification Total Exp. In Years
1 Mr. Abhishek Kumar Lab. Tech. (Data Structure & Algorithm Lab) B. Tech- CSE 8
2 Mr. Kapil Kumar Lab. Tech. (Software Engineering lab) BCA 5
3 Mr. Pawan Kumar Nagar Lab. Tech. (Data Base Management System Lab) B.Sc., one Year Computer Diploma 3.5
4 Mr. Nivesh Bhardwaj Lab. Tech. (Operating System Lab) BCA 4
5 Mr. Rajnish Jayant Lab. Tech. (Project Lab) MBA 7
6 Mr. Amish Srivastava Lab. Tech. (Computer Networks) BCA 5