Message from HOD

Dr. Md. Danish Equbal

Prof. & HoD Department of Electrical Engineering, Galgotias College of Engineering and Technology.

With the ever growing demand for electrical engineers to cater to the various needs of the industry and society the department of Electrical Engineering has set out with the objective to produce competent and socially responsible electrical engineers.

The department provides a perfect blend of theoretical and practical know-how in the core areas of electrical engineering such as (i) Electrical Machines and Drives (ii) Power System (iii) Power Electronics and (iv) Control System as well as in the allied fields such as (i) Analog and Digital Electronics (ii) Analog and Digital Communication (iii) Signal and System and (iv) Microprocessor. The department is well equipped with modern classroom technologies as well as state of the art lab facilities.

The electrical engineering department has highly proficient and qualified faculties who strive to maintain high academic standards through effective dissemination of knowledge and unabated self improvement

The department provides a conducive environment for learning through interactions with faculties (on and off the classroom), faculties from other institutions of repute and experienced industry personnel. The students of this department have been placed in several reputed organizations.

I would like to extend a warm welcome to all the prospective students of GCET and Electrical Engineering Department in particular.