Message from HoD

Prof. Tariq Siddiqi


Department of Management Studies, Galgotias Institute of Management and Technology

In this era of gene tailoring and artificial intelligence, I find myself as much a believer of science as I am, of spirituality. The keyword being balance. On equal footing as the managerial and technological knowledge imparted to students at Galgotias Institute of Management & Technology, we inculcate in our students, the very essential life skills like positive attitudes, entrepreneurial acumen, and strong-willed determination, along with the much needed balance of a moral approach, ethical behaviour, and sensitivity to other entities around. 

Year after year, the student fraternity coming from a variety of academic streams, is replete with potential and perspicuity, all waiting to be honed and skilled, and to become managers in different functional areas.

We at Galgotias Institute of Management & Technology, cater to the intellectual hunger of the students. Equipped with a very astutely carved curriculum, we provide the best faculty resources, the best learning environment, and the best type of pedagogy, ensuring that the weakest of our students get the required inputs, to rise to their fullest capacity, and at the same time, the best of our students continue to get intellectually inspired to gain more knowledge.